the face behind it all:
Hey guys, it’s Rashida here.
I am the content creator, producer and host of Graves to Gardens Podcast. I initially developed a strong interest in activism and the arts while in school which planted the seed for the concept behind my podcast.
My affinity for this subject dates back to my time in undergrad where I used to tutor behind bars and do re-entry work while in school. It was there that I was originally introduced to working with people who were incarcerated.
Fast-forward to spring of 2019, I was in the final stretch of completing my master's thesis in the Fashion Studies program at Parsons School of Design.
My thesis was informed by my prior service work, and I knew coming into the program that I wanted to conduct a study on dress practices behind bars as a way of gaining a partial understanding into lived experiences of incarcerated women.
My thesis research connected me with incredible women who shared some of the horrors they had experienced while inside as it directly related to clothing.
We spoke about things like: the limited access they had to hygiene products, to the blisters they'd developed from the state issued shoes they wore, and more. The opportunity to just speak with them is one that I'm forever grateful for because it opened my eyes to how much the relationship to clothing and justice really mattered in the prison space.
And while I had been personally impacted by those I met, I kept hearing that I needed to make these stories more visible - I just hadn't figured out how.
Then after much prayer, meditation and the counsel of a friend I was led to start this podcast.
At first I didn't know exactly what it would look like. Yet I was obedient, I took the first step and God has carried me the rest of the way. With His grace and guidance I've been able to foster connections with amazing creatives that I couldn't have finessed on my own which has even allowed me to reimagine the way I engage with activism. Graves to Gardens is meant to serve as a resource - pointing you in the direction of arts-based organizations, brands and creatives who are all working to create a brighter tomorrow. More importantly, it is meant to serve as a place to hear first-hand the stories of those who are system impacted. This is meant to be a safe space for us all to share and connect.
I pray that the connection doesn't end in the digital space but that it transcends beyond my platform and creates a lasting and meaningful community.
Thank you for being here; your presence alone is planting more seeds and I look forward to sharing some really cool content with you all!