Artfully Protesting: The Work of Art Against Police Violence
Artfully Protesting: The Work of Art Against Police Violence
Create a Difference
When we create for change we create a brighter future!
In today's episode I will be looking primarily at one single case study, Basquiat's Defacement - The Untold Story, brought to the Guggenheim Museum in 2019 by curator, author and activist Chaedria LaBouvier. The purpose of this episode is to examine the ways that black artists engage with issues of injustice (specifically as it relates to racist police violence) be voice their opposition of it. You can find Chaedria on Instagram. You can also read up on the exhibition as well as the racism she spoke of while working with the Guggenheim in an article published by Essence.
From today's episode I ask two things of you. 1) That you sign the petition for Brittney Griner's release back to home. And if you would like to learn more about the details of this story you can read this article or check out this video by CNNand another by Fox News. 2) My second call to action is to join me in 40 days of prayer over the injustices and radicalized violence that continues to plague our country. Thank you guys for tuning in and I can't wait to rejoin you all in the next season!