Lawyers for System Impacted Artists
Lawyers for System Impacted Artists
A Collective Aimed at Protecting and Educating Artists on their Rights
Art is more than an outlet, it is a means for rehabilitation and redemption. If we want to see our communities thrive, we must prioritize our arts programs.
In today's conversation I’m joined by the Executive Director of California Lawyers for the Arts, Alma Robinson. Alma beautifully details the comprehensive work that California Lawyers for the Arts is involved in, from programs like their pilot program Designing Creative Futures to their Youth Mediator programs held in 14 different schools in the Sacramento area. Alma shares from The Impact of Prison Arts Programs on Inmate Attitudes and Behavior the positive impact arts programs have had on the lives of incarcerated men and how the arts can serve a a deterrent for kids falling victim to the school-to-prison pipeline. She also talks on the impact of a recent film screening, A Woman on the Outside, hosted with Houston Museum of African American Culture.
To find ways to donate to California Lawyers for the Arts please visit their website here. Follow them on Instagram to stay updated on all the work that they are doing. Make sure to also check out the second chapter in Bell Hook’s All About Love and the eighth chapter in James Kilgore’s Understanding Mass Incarceration to learn more about the school-to-prison pipeline.