Made with Love
Made with Love
Beautiful Clothes Made Free of Trash and Without Exploitation
“We make the world we want to see” - Arielle.
In today's episode I’m joined by fashion designer, educator and founder of the brand Arielle, Arielle Crawford. What sparked today's conversation was a piece she published in 2021 on her brand's website arguing against the use of prison labor in fashion. Her sustainable apparel label is not only committed to preserving the integrity of ethical labor and manufacturing within the industry, but it is also committed to serving as a leader in climate activism as well. Crawford serves as the leader of the Citizens' Climate Lobby's Fashion Industry Action Team. She also makes sure that through her own brand she is pioneering a path for fashion brands alike to engage in more sustainable and earth-friendly design practices. In today's discussion we'll talk about all of this and more!
You can follow Arielle Crawford on Instagram to stay updated on all that she is doing to change fashion and the world from her homestead in Texas. Also be sure the shop the brand Arielle by checking out her website here.
In today’s discussion, Arielle also makes mention of Ava DuVernay's documentary film 13th and I agree that it is one you should definitely watch. You can find it on Netflix or on Netflix's Youtube account linked here. And as my final call-to-action, make sure you check out Michelle Alexander's book The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness.