Caring for Our Communities - Part 2
Caring for Our Communities - Part 2
Knowing Your Rights In Difficult Police Encounters
What does it look like to keep your dignity while protecting yourself in an encounter with people in positions of power?
This is part 2 of Caring for Our Communities featuring the same round of panelists: co-founder of the National Bail Out, Arissa Hall, fitness instructor at ConBody, Peter Roman and Civil Rights Attorney, Blerim Elmazi. In today’s episode we pickup with the discussion of citizens rights. What is unique about today’s discussion is that we dive deeper into what are ways to navigate an encounter with an officer as well as ways that community members across the country are finding ways to police the police.
To further engage with the issues discussed in today’s episode I recommend you check out the book Are Prisons Obsolete here. I also ask that in the spirit of giving this season you support Peter’s gym, ConBody here. Finally, I’d like to encourage you all to meditate on Zechariah 9:12 (NLT) which reads, “Come back to the place of safety, all you prisoners who still have hope! I promise this very day that I will repay two blessings for each of your troubles.” I believe this verse paints a powerful picture of restoration and holding out for promised blessings even in the face of adversity. Continue to meditate on this verse until the next time!