Caring for Our Communities - The Final Chapter
Caring for Our Communities - The Final Chapter
Love covers.
Love covers. Let’s lead in love. Let us leave (this season) in love.
In the final chapter of Caring for Our Communities we wrap up the discussion talking about an array of issues from the posting bail to the difficulties of finding a job once entangled with the criminal legal system. Again, I am joined in conversation with the co-founder of the National Bail Out, Arissa Hall, fitness instructor at ConBody, Peter Roman and Civil Rights Attorney, Blerim Elmazi. We beautifully end this season and episode with a message of hope that I pray inspires each one of you!
To further engage with the issues discussed in today’s episode I recommend you check out the work of The National Bail Out. You can donate to their cause here. I also ask that in the spirit of giving this season you support the gym Peter trains at, ConBody here. Please also make sure to check out Blerim Elmazi’s law office. You can also follow him on Instagram here.
Finally, I want to remind you of the scripture verse that we’ve been meditating on the last few episodes. The verse comes from Zechariah 9:12 (NLT) which reads, “Come back to the place of safety, all you prisoners who still have hope! I promise this very day that I will repay two blessings for each of your troubles.” I believe this verse paints a powerful picture of restoration and holding out for promised blessings even in the face of adversity. Continue to meditate on this verse until next time!